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Ensure ALL CAMERAS are set to record at the exact same frame rate


Locate Menu Button

Menu >> System >> Rec Format >>  Frequency   - 50

                                                            File System - exFAT

                                                            Codec          - XAVC-L

                                                          Video Format - 1920P 50

                                                         Aspect Ratio   - 16:9

Set all cameras to Free Run in the Timecode menu


Menu >> Timecode >> Run >> Free Run


Attach a BNC cable from Master Camera to one of the Slave cameras via their Time-Code input

titleMaster Camera

Nominate a camera to be Master, usually Camera 1 used for the Recording.

Master camera needs to have its Timecode switch to OUT as shown

The first camera that needs to have its Timecode -Locked to the Master, needs to have its switch - set to 'Time-Code In'

This camera is then known as 'Slave'. 

Set Time-Code on the Master camera using 24 Hour Time or sometimes referred to as 'Time of Day'

Menu >> Timecode  >> Setting >> 

The picture shows the Setting of 13:40:59:00 in 24Hour notation.

This is to show the time as being 1:40:59 PM in the traditional 12 Hour notation

title24 Hour clock

This form of Timecode allows a more accurate way in showing time for reference editing , compared to the 12Hour form.

When Slave cameras receive the Time-Code signal via cable from the Master camera they will automatically lock/sync to the Master camera’s Time-Code


Once Sync is completed repeat process for the second Slave camera

Be Aware that it is not uncommon when using Jam syncing for cameras to fall a couple frames out of sync over an extended period of time 

This is caused by minor variations in camera speeds but even then would only account for being a few frames off over several hours

When each SLAVE camera auto detect the incoming Time-Code signal they will display a note on the Left Bottom of screen ‘EXT-LK’ (External Time Code Lock)

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