Versions Compared


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Use these settings to export and submit your completed/edited production for assessment and in class screening


If you need assistance with a particular file delivery requirement (i.e. for festivals/screenings) contact a Post-Production Specialist

Right click on your completed sequence and select Export Media…

Export Settings

Format: H.264

Preset: Match Source - High bitrate

(Note: this will change to Custom once you make any additional changes)

Output Name: Select the file name to relabel and/or select the appropriate destination for the exported file.

Follow the submission labeling convention here

Video Tab

Basic Video Settings

1920 x 1080

25 fps


Square Pixels (1.0)

Select the Render at Maximum Depth check box

Scroll further down the Video tab to

Bitrate Settings

30 should be a perfect number for your assignment submission


High bitrate = better quality + larger the file

Small bitrate = smaller file size + lower quality

A quick video for understanding Bitrate better

Select the Use Maximum Render Quality check box at the bottom


Estimated File Size will help you determine the correct bitrate settings if exporting for a specific file size

Select Export


Please watch your entire film through for quality control (and because you should be proud of what you have just achieved) before submitting your film for screening