Good Hygiene Protocols and Resources

As it has done throughout the pandemic, Curtin will follow health advice to keep our students, staff and visitors as safe as possible.

As we move to ‘living with COVID’ all those on our campuses are asked to continue to maintain good personal hygiene practices. Anyone who feels unwell should stay at home and get tested if they experience COVID symptoms.

Curtin University is committed to providing a safe campus for all our staff, students and community members and will advise the Curtin community of any requirements in relation to COVID in line with government directions.

Although public health measures against COVID have been relaxed, Curtin will continue to take precautions on our campuses to help protect the health of our community.

We continue to ask that you:

· follow all COVID government guidelines

· where face masks (where necessary) and practise good personal hygiene e.g use of hand sanitiser

· do not attend campus if you are feeling unwell or waiting for COVID test results

· regularly cleaning workplace areas

· provide hand sanitiser in public areas

· limit the size of crew/production in confined spaces to essential personnel only

Hygiene Protocols & Resources

For student information see the Curtin website: COVID-19 information for students


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