Prop weapons

Prop weapons

The Hayman Theatre keeps a stock of prop weapons, including replica firearms, swords, and daggers - click the category name to see a photo catalogue.

Although these weapons are non-functional, their use carries elevated safety and security risks. Firearms can cause alarm to passersby, and result in unintended involvement with Security, police, or vigilantes. The swords and daggers are heavy steel, and although they have blunt edges, can cause injury when used in stage combat. The foils and rapiers have narrow (blunted) ends which could cause eye injury if handled inappropriately. Bladed weapons can also cause alarm to passersby. Inappropriate use of weapons or posting images on social media can damage the reputation of the Hayman Theatre and Curtin University.

Before weapons are used for any purpose, ensure their use is included on an approved risk assessment, and always follow the procedures below.



When not in use, weapons must be stored in the locked cupboard in the Hayman Theatre office.

A removable identification tag is attached to each weapon. The tag may be removed for rehearsal/performance, and be reattached on return.


Check in/Check out procedure

Weapons are to be checked out/in using SiSo. Weapons must only be taken out immediately before use and returned immediately after use.

A staff member must be present to check weapons out/in, in order to access SiSo and lock/unlock the cupboard.

All weapons removed from the store must be counted on the way out and on return.

Any damage or maintenance issues must be reported at the time of return.



Weapons are only to be used in the theatre or the Wasteland. Weapons must not enter the foyer or leave the building at any time.

Weapons are to be used for their intended show-related purpose only. Do not play with or take photos with the weapons.

When checked out for a rehearsal/performance, the weapon should be placed in the designated area (eg the props table) and only handled for the appropriate scene.

Only those approved to handle the weapon are to do so – for example, one designated crew member to collect it, and one performer to handle it as part of the performance.

Ensure any stunts or fights have been choreographed by a professional, and follow all safety procedures.

If weapons are required in the Dance Studio, Curtin Security must be contacted before use. The weapon must be kept out of public view at all times, including during transport. If possible, cover windows so the weapon cannot be seen. If not possible, post signs indicating that prop weapons are being used as part of a theatrical rehearsal/performance.

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