Safe Working Procedure: Painting
Safe Working Procedure: Painting
Follow this procedure for safe painting:
- Use only water-based/acrylic paint. Do not use oil-based paint, spray paint etc.
- Read the Material Safety Data Sheet before use, and follow all instructions.
- Wear PVC gloves and safety goggles when painting (available in the workshop or office). Contact lens wearers must pay special attention to safety procedures – see the MSDS.
- Paint only in a well ventilated area.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling paint.
- If contact with skin occurs, wash immediately with soap and warm water. Do not allow clothing wet with paint to remain in contact with skin.
- To clean up after painting:
- Tip any unused paint back into the paint tin, and seal it firmly. If you have mixed paint, the leftovers need to be brushed or rolled onto paper or cardboard to dry, before being disposed of.
- All brushes, rollers and paint trays must be thoroughly washed out only in the paint sink near the Wasteland or in the workshop. Do not wash out paint in any other sink or showers, and do not put any paint rags or paint in the toilet.
- After use, wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.