Create a lighting show file

Create a lighting show file

Use this method to create a new show file based on the standard rig on the Vista lighting software. Each show requires its own show file. Do not make any changes to anyone else's show file. 

  1. Press the "ON" button at the top right of the lighting desk.
  2. A dialogue box will give you the option to open the most recently used show (it will specify the show name), open a show, import a show, create a new show, or quit. Click "Open show." 
  3. Go to File -> Save Show As, and save the show file with your show's name (eg Hamlet) or another identifying name (eg your name and assignment name) in the Shows directory. Only save and open shows from the file path shown above. 
  4. Ensure that you have deleted all previous cues once you have created your new show file.