6. Health and Safety

6. Health and Safety


To read the current Hayman Theatre Covid 19 strategy please click the link.

Theatre Arts COVID-19 Management Strategy & Risk Assessment

Safety of staff, students and visitors must always be of the highest priority. No show is worth getting injured. If you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of others, speak to the Production Coordinator immediately.

Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times, except when required for rehearsal or performance. Any activity requiring performers to be barefoot must include this item on the risk assessment, and have appropriate controls in place. A chart of appropriate footwear is attached to this handbook.

You will not be permitted to work in the theatre, including for a performance, if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

All accidents and injuries (including near misses) must be reported immediately, using the "C.H.A.R.M." (Curtin Health And Risk Management) Also, inform someone in the theatre office as soon as possible.

For life-threatening emergencies, contact 000 immediately. Important: ask the operator to contact Curtin Security (9266 4444) as they will meet the relevant attending emergency service and escort them straight to the incident.

Stephen and Leigh are trained in First Aid, as are all Curtin Security officers.

A First Aid kit is available in both Theatre 1 and 2 as well as the Theatre Arts office (302:107)