Deity TC-1. Generating Timecode

Deity TC-1. Generating Timecode



The Deity Timecode unit showing its ā€œHomepageā€ of operation.

The Deity is able to be switched ON, by holding the Yellow Button on the side of the unit.

The ā€˜Deity Timecodeā€™ unit can be referred to as a timecode generator or a master timecode device. Using this device is paramount for the camera and the audio to be ā€˜Syncedā€™ [in full terminology] Synchronised. The Deity TC-1 unit is vital, as it becomes our constant timing for when using the production cameras along with the audio recording being done separatelyā€¦for exampleā€¦onto a ā€˜Zoom F8ā€™ audio-recorder.


Synchronisation is essential to keep the camera recording and audio recordings timing, or ā€˜Frame Rateā€™ exact [without one or the other drifting in time or frame rate]. The frame rate is when consecutive images are recorded to make 1 second of ā€˜recordedā€™ time.

At Curtin, we use 25fps as our main frame rate. This means the camera will need to be set to record 25 frames per second (FPS) to produce 1 second of recorded time. Hence, the cameraā€™s FPS needs to be checked before recording an audio-visual scene with dialogue.

The Deity TC-1 unit generates a constant external timecode source. This is also recorded by the camera and the Zoom F8 Audio recorder for synchronisation later. The recordings can then be 'locked' with this timing reference in Post Production.

If the cameraā€™s FPS or the Audio Recorder Timecode is not checked against the Deity, then a mismatch will occur. Consequently, the Timecode will not match the camera and audio and there will be a problem with synchronisation later for the Editor.

The use of the Clapper Board also acts then a Visual description of the Scene along with the ā€˜Sticks Clap' for manually syncing audio. This can then take more time for the Editor.



Close up of screen to indicate each item described below

Steps to follow after switching on the device are.

The Deity TC-1 unit needs to be set to MASTER. Which means the Deity has been set to generate the timecode as the recording reference. From this point it can be referred to as ā€˜Masterā€™ - its now the main device that all recording devices will be referenced to for timing.

This timing is necessary when the Editor lays down the separate Video and Audio Tracks onto the Time Line within the Editing Software. This 'timing' ensures that both the Video and Audio are Syncā€™d,

This avoids Lip-sync problems when editing which is noticable to professionals.


The second item to check as explained above is the FPS [frames per second]. For Curtin 25FPS is required.

For the Deity TC-1 to be connected to the camera and the camera to record the timecode accurately, the output level from the unit needs to set. To do so, we need to check that LTC is set. This is known as L-Out in the Deity.


Please see the pictures below.

It explains the use of each Icon found on the Main Page.

The first one being the unit after being switched on.






To turn on Deity TC-1 press and hold Yellow button on the edge of the Unit Large until display lights. Deity is now on (as shown).







Operational icons displayed.

Padlock- Lock / Unlock

M- Master Run

25- Frame Rate

A- Frequency for Jam Sync

L-Out- LTC signal out

To see the following, use the Scroll wheel.

TC- central mode for Timecode

Bluetooth- Reset Bluetooth for App connection

Settings- Name of Unit



To quickly check each parameter of the Unit, the Unit may need to be unlocked. Check Padlock icon.

To do so, Press the Yellow button 3 x times in quick succession, this allows the unit to be unlocked.

Then scroll through the icons using the Black ā€˜Scroll wheelā€™ at the top right corner of the Deity. This button is then pressed to Select the required operation.


To Set Timecode with Time of Day T.o.D Timecode


The Deity TC-1 can be used through an App available through the App Store iOS or Google Play Android.

The App is named Sidus Audio

Once on your phone, it will be setup via Bluetooth connection.

This then allows you to have functionality over the Device, enabling you to

Set Time of Day Timecode T. O. D if required.

Within the App, choose the Settings icon and here you are able to clearly identify all the Main parameters






Device Name - self explanatory


Timecode - Sets the Timecode of the Generator. The ā€˜Clockā€™ icon shown, allows you to use the Phones time as inputting the ToD Timecode.

User Bits is optional but can be given the Date of shoot.


The List shown, allows us to see which FPS has been chosen for the shoot.


TC Type This shows that the Deity is set to be a Int Free Run


Output Volume is LTC for cameras at Curtin. (LTC Longitudinal Time Code)







To use more than 1 camera on a Production, provided from the MCASI Store along with the Zoom F8 for Audio. These recording devices all need to be ā€˜Synced' to the Deity TC-1.

This applies to the Sony FX30 as well as the FX6. Only these cameras are provided with the Deity TC-1 Unit for Timecode synchronization..


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