Film, Cinema, and Audio Resources


Below is a list of useful Film Production and Cinema Theory Links and Resources, as well as Archival and Stock Footage can often be sourced for free and without copyright entailments. The same goes for production music that is offered under the Creative Commons licenses. 

When using any Third Party content you MUST always correctly attribute the content used; that is, as per by hosting website's instructions.

Film and Cinema Resources

BBC Sound Effects

The BBC is letting you download more than 16,000 free sound effect samples from its archive:

BBC Sound Effects Library

Terms of Use for BBC's digital services

Premiere Pro Tutorials

A full selection of tutorial videos on how to work Premiere Pro

Stock Footage

Moving Image Archive - free, no sign-up required, content and quality varies greatly

X Stock Video - sign up, some files free in full HD. Stock footage.

Footage Crate - sign up, some files free. Mostly backgrounds and digital FX.

Free HD Footage - free

Beachfront B-Roll - free. All videos hosted on

Free HD - sign up to vimeo, free downloads.

Open Footage - free but only for SD and lowres versions

Videvo - most clips are free but you must ‘social share’ (facebook or twitter) to get access to download

Cute Stock Footage - free but mostly backgrounds and digital effects (bokeh, lightleaks etc.)

Creative Commons

Production Music

Audio Library - Free Music (YouTube)


Free Music Archive





CASH Music



Podsafe Audio


Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection

Creative Commons

3D Content







Nasa Space Models

Resources Blogscopia

Cute Stock Footage

Web Resources

Fountain - a plain text markup language for screenwriting

Walther Murch's Rule of Six - making editing decisions

Wolfcrow - workflows for filmmakers and media professionals

Expanded Cinema - arguing that a new, expanded cinema is required for a new consciousness

Film Technique and Film Acting - The cinema writings of V. I. Pudovkin.

Notes of a Film Director - by Sergei Eisenstein

A Field in England - A Film4 Masterclass

Art of the Title - Film Title Sequences explored and analysed with great examples in HD.

Australian Screen Editors 

Creative Cow - Post-production forums, ask and you shall be answered

Senses of Cinema - Founded in 1999, Senses of Cinema is one of the first online film journals of its kind

Passage from Film to Digital - article on Cinematographer Vittorio Storaro's move from film to digital when shooting Woody Allen's 'Cafe Society' - Learning Space dedicated to the Art of Film Sound Design

Written Resources

Bresson, R. (1997). Notes on the Cinematographer (Trans. Jonathan Griffin). Copenhagen : Green Integer 1997 or entire book as tumblr

Eisenstein, S. (1968). The Film Sense (Trans. & Ed. Jay Leda). London: Faber & Faber

Eisenstein, S. (1977). Film Form – Essays in Film Theory. (Trans. & Ed. Jay Leda). Harcourt, Brace & Co.

LoBrutto, V. (1991). Selected Takes: Film editors on editing. New York: Praeger.

Murch, W. (2001). In the Blink of an Eye: a perspective on film editing. Los Angeles : Silman-James Press.

Mamet, D. (1992). On Directing Film. New York: Penguin.

Ondaatje, M. (2003). The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Pearlman, K. (2009). Cutting Rhythms: Shaping the Film Edit. Amsterdam, Boston: Focal Press/Elsevier.

Pepperman, R. (2004). The Eye is Quicker: Film editing – making a good film better. Michael Wiese Productions.