FD - Proxy Workflow

FD - Proxy Workflow

A proxy workflow can help to speed up and streamline the editing process. Proxy files are just smaller, exact replicas, of the larger high quality files. A lot of high end cameras have the inbuilt functionality to create proxies at the same time as creating your RAW media (as is the case with Curtin cameras). It is also just as easy to create your own proxies by using Media Encoder (or similar) to encode all RAW media into a smaller files. The primary issue with a proxy workflow is maintaining impeccable media management practices!

Begin by creating a media folder for this weeks game, then create a Proxy folder and a RAW folder. These folders will become exact replicas in folder/file structure, just different sized media.

In your project panel select all your proxy media, right click, select Make Offline…

A dialogue box will appear, the default is for media files to remain on disk, keep this, select OK

Go back to your selected, offline, clips in the project panel, right click, select Link Media…

The Link Media box will appear, select Locate (bottom right corner)

Navigate to the RAW folder and find the first piece of Hi Res media, select OK

Once you have found all media your timeline will now reflect the original Hi Res media and you will be ready to export

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