PrP - Exporting - Assessment Export 2.0

PrP - Exporting - Assessment Export 2.0

Use these settings to export and submit your completed production for assessment and in-class screening.

If you need assistance with a particular file delivery requirement (i.e. for festivals/screenings) contact a Post-Production Specialist. Contact Us

Ensure you have the correct sequence open on your timeline.

Go to the top panel of Premiere Pro and click ‘File’, ‘Export’ > ‘Media’.


Right-click on the correct sequence in your project panel and click ‘Export Media…’


Export Settings

File Name: Label appropriately PrP - Submitting Assignment 2.0

Location: Choose appropriate location (e.g. your Exports folder on the MCASI Server).

Preset: Match Source - Adaptive High Bitrate

This will change to ‘Custom’ once you make any additional changes.

Format: H.264

Video Tab

Basic Video Settings

Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

Frame Rate: 25 fps

Field Order: Progressive

Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)

Click on ‘…More’


Tick ‘Render at Maximum Depth’ checkbox.

Tick ‘Use Maximum Render Quality’ checkbox


Scroll down to ‘Bitrate Settings’


Bitrate Settings

Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2 pass

Target Bitrate: 30

Maximum Bitrate: 30


Click ‘Export’