Aphex Headpod 4 Headphone Amp


The Headpod 4 4-Channel Headphone Amplifier is a professional-quality headphone amplifier that allows 4 people to listen to the same audio signal.

TOP PANEL                                                                                          

  • Input select knob: Selects the input to be used for monitoring. Analogue 1 is a balanced input, Analogue 2 is an unbalanced input and Digital is an S/PDIF coaxial input.

  • Master Volume Knob: This is the input level control. Start with this knob at the middle setting of 12 O'clock. If you turn this knob up too high, you may hear distortion.

  • Headphone Volume Knobs: These knobs control the level of the individual headphone outputs. Turn these knobs all the way down before you plug headphones in.


  • Headphone output jacks: Four 1/4'' TRS headphone jacks are provided. One for each headphone output.


  • Analog Input: Balanced 1/4" TRS analog left and right inputs. Use the left input for a mono, balanced source.

  • Analog Input: Unbalanced, stereo, analog 1/4" TRS input. Connect the headphone output of your source here.

  • Digital Input: Coaxial, S/PDIF digital input. This input will accept sample rates, 44.1 kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz and 96kHz, +/- 3%. It will accept 16 and 24 bit resolution.

  • DC Power Supply Input: 12 volt, 1 Amp

  • Power On/Off switch.