PrP - Additional Processes - Transcode F3 Media

Davinci Resolve (version 11 and earlier) does not like to communicate with the RAW footage shot by the F3 camera (codec: .XDCAM, container: .MP4).

This process will unwrap the XDCAM file from the .MP4 container and place it into a .mov container, allowing all applications to read the media without issue.

It is important to note that the process of transcoding does not alter the footage in any way - if you look at the size of the original file and the size of the transcoded file, they will be exactly the same.

Start by managing your media

Create a RAW folder and Datawrangle all of your cards accordingly

Create a TRANSCODE folder for the new media

Open up XDCAM Transfer

Locate in the Applications folder and double click the icon

This window will pop up next - just select OK

The XDCAM Transfer window

Go to the Preferences... section - top left corner of your monitor

Select the Import tab

Select Choose... under Import Location

Navigate to the TRANSCODE folder you created earlier and to the relevant sub folder for the Transcoded media

Close the preferences box

Select the Add... button - bottom right corner of application

Navigate to the RAW footage you want Transcoded

Select Open

The RAW card will populate the Source window - left side of application

By selecting the card folder you can view the contents

You can have as many cards as you like to populate this area - remember to change the import location for each card you choose to transcode

Select all your clips (cmd + a)

Select Import - bottom right corner

You will now have new .mov files populating your TRANSCODED folder

Spot check your files to ensure everything transcoded properly