PrP - Additional Processes - Send to DaVinci Resolve

PrP - Additional Processes - Send to DaVinci Resolve

First: DO THIS!

In PrP complete a few steps:

Duplicate your current sequence file - call it ToDavinci_yymmdd.

In theĀ ToDavinci Sequence remove and/or change the following:

  • Remove the Audio Tracks
  • Remove Title Clips or any other Overlay
  • Remove all colour filters
  • Remove all clips with speed changes (slow motion). These must be made into stand alone QT clips before they can be sent to DaVinci.
  • Move all video clips to Track 1 - you want a SINGLE track of video.

This will enable better processing in DaVinci.

Ensure all your media is located in your Isilon folder.

In your FTV Isilonserver folder, make a new folder called ToDavinci.

Next: DO THIS!

In PrP, ensure theĀ ToDavinci sequence is selected in the Sequence Panel (you can also select the active sequence from the Timeline).

Go to File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML

Label the XML file appropriately, and save it to theĀ ToDavinci folder created earlier.

Click Save.

If you did not remove or change some of previously mentioned files, you will get this message after saving.

Open this file to find out what has not been translated for Davinci, and amend accordingly.

Next, open DaVinci.

In the pop-up window, select the 'guest, account.

Click 'Log In'.

If you are planning to do multiple sessions of grading on one project it is recommended that you work in the Color Correction (208.229A), and that you create your own DaVinci Resolve account.

In the Project Manager window, select the Untitled Project icon.

Click 'Open'.

In DaVinci Resolve, click File > Save Project.

Label your project appropriately.

Click 'Save'.

In DaVinci Resolve, click File > Import AAF, EDL, XML...

In the 'Select a file to import' pop-up window, navigate to the XML file you saved earlier.

Select it.

Click 'Open'.

In the 'Load XML' pop-up window, it is advisable that you change the 'Timeline Name'.

Also ensure that the 'Set Timeline Resolution' field matches your edit resolution.

Click 'Open'

Your DaVinci Resolve Edit window will populate with your media. This may take some time.

Next, click the 'Color' tab at the bottom of the DaVinci Resolve window to move into the color correction part of the application.