AE - Additional Processes - Create Visual Audio Waves

AE - Additional Processes - Create Visual Audio Waves

This process creates Visual Audio Waves synched to an audio track creating dynamic visuals to insert over audio-only media in a video production.

Below is a screen grab of what the end product will look like:

There are pre-made clips available to you in the STUDENT_RESOURCES folder, but these will not synch exactly with your audio:

Visual Audio Waves Template

Follow the process below to make your own audio visualizer that synchs with your audio.

Locate the the 'Visual_Equaliser' folder in the STUDENT_RESOURCES folder on the Isilon server

Copy-and-paste the entire folder to your assignment folder

Locate the VisualAudioWaves_TEMPLATE_210916.aep project file

Double-click the project file to open the project in After Effects

Audio Track

Make sure you know where the audio file is that you want the visualizer to synch to.

Activate the Project window, and double click inside it to bring up the 'Import' pop-up window.

Locate and select the audio file you wish to synch the Audio Visualzer with.

Click 'Open'.

The track appears as a file in the AE project window.

Drag-and-drop the audio track down into the Timeline window.

Align with the Audio Waves track and, if necessary, adjust it's length to fit the audio track.

Select the Audio Waves track so that it is highlighted.

Move back to the project window, and click the 'Effect Controls Audio Waves' tab.

Ensure the 'fx Audio Spectrum' drop-down triangle is active so that you can see all the parameters for the effect.

Next to 'Audio Layer' click the drop-down menu triangle, and select the audio track that you played down previously.

The effect is now connected to your audio track and the audio spectrum will move in synch with the audio.

To export, select the Composition File in the Project window so that it is highlighted.

Click File > Export > Add to Render Queue...

The 'Render Queue' window opens up.

Click on the drop-down menu next to 'Output Module' to set your export settings.

Set format to 'QuickTime'.

Click the 'Format Options' button.

This opens the 'QuickTime Options' window.

Click on the 'Video Codec' drop-down box.

Select your codec option:

Apple Pro Res 422 (HQ) provides great quality but a big file size.

H.264 delivers acceptable quality with a smaller file size.

Once you have set the desired codec, click 'OK'.

Back in the 'Output Module Settings' window, click the 'Audio Output' drop-down menu.

Set to 'Audio Output Off' as you want to use this exported clip as overlay only, and put your audio down on the timeline in Premiere Pro for better audio control.

Click 'OK'.

Click on the drop-down menu next to 'Output To' to set your export location.

Set your Save-As filename, and select the export location.

Then click 'Save'

Click 'Render' button, located at the right end of the Render Queue window, and the Movie clip with your Audio Visualizer will be rendered to the selected export location.

Import this clip into Premiere Pro, and use as overlay for your audio-only media.