City of Perth - Filming & Drones
Get Permission
An application for Filming and Drone is required when you have a Filming/Photography group of 5 or more (including cast and crew), or when anytime a drone will be in operation within the public realm or on City of Perth property (view boundary map here).
Stationary filming requires a pedestrian management plan, including a clear pedestrian management diagram. See here for a general Pedestrian Management Plan example.
Details can be found on the City of Perth website under Obstruction Permit, look for Filming and Drones under Key Details.
The City of Perth advises screenshots from Google Maps are also accepted provided they are annotated correctly, outlining where the area is located (e.g. the street names), if an area is to be obstructed to traffic or pedestrians, and how that will be implemented (e.g. if witches hats, signage and that sort of stuff will be used).
For specific queries about what can and cannot be done while filming contact the City of Perth;
WebSite Welcome to the City of Perth
Telephone 9461 3333
Application link: Applicant Lodgement
A full overview of the laws, regulations and process and to make an online application for a forĀ the Road and Footpath Obstruction Permit go here.
MCASI Store Good Hygiene Protocols (Screen Arts & Journalism)
MCASI Film Project Proposal Process - Overview (Screen Arts & Journalism)