Studio 101 includes 12 channels of dimmable light | |
Dimmer control is provided by a simple to operate ShowTec Fademaster 16 control panel on the desk by the computer.User Manual | |
Out the back is a Jands WMX dimmer and patch cables | |
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For simple dimmable lights for class presentation follow these steps | |
Switch on the main dimmer power out the back | |
Slide up faders 1, 2 or 3. These are most likely patched and ready for mood lighting for a screening | |
IS IT WORKING? Lights should work. If they don't check the patching on the dimmer or ask for some help | |
Patching Lights to the Dimmer | |
Look at the grid to find the lights you like and note their grid power number.Number 3 soft light is good for dimmable lighting for class or video screening | |
Grab patch cable Number 3 | |
Plug the chosen cable into the Jands WMX Dimmer - Note the Number on the Dimmer Panel | |
Slide up the numbered fader corresponding to the Dimmer Panel Number from the previous step, to the light level you desire. | |
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