Studio 101 Lighting
Studio Lighting
This Studio has very limited Lights available on the 'Fixed Grid' in the ceiling. The moving of any Light within this Studio is NOT permitted without speaking first with the MCASI Store or CPSU Manager
Studio 101 includes 12 channels of dimmable lightĀ | |
Dimmer control is provided by a simple to operate ShowTec Fademaster 16 control panel on the desk by the computer.User Manual | |
Out the back is a Jands WMX dimmer and patch cables | |
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For simple dimmable lights for class presentation follow these steps | |
Switch on the main dimmer power out the back | |
Slide up faders 1, 2 or 3. These are most likely patched and ready for mood lighting for a screening | |
IS IT WORKING? Lights should work. If they don't check the patching on the dimmer or ask for assistance from a Production Support Specialist.Ā Through the MCASI Store. | |
Patching Lights to the Dimmer Ā | |
Look at the grid to find the lights you like and note their grid power number.Number 3 soft light is Ā good for dimmable lighting for class or video screening | |
Grab patch cable Number 3 | |
Plug the chosen cable into the Jands WMX Dimmer - Note the Number on the Dimmer Panel | |
Slide up the numbered fader corresponding to the Dimmer Panel Number from the previous step, to the light level you desire. | |
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