The Lingo

The Lingo

Understanding the lingo is half the fun!

Make sure you're all on the same page...

Tricaster Specific terms

TC1 - Tricaster Model

M/E - Mix Effect

NDI - Network Device Interface

DDR - Digital Disc Record

DSK - Down Stream Key

TRANS - Transition of video 

Studio Specific terms

D.A - Directors Assistant

TD - Technical Director

SDI - Serial Digital Interface

VT - Video Tape (an historical term for tape-based recording media)

CCU - Camera Control Unit

CCU Panel - The Camera Control panel that adjusts the cameras iris, Black level and Colour control for each camera.

PGM - Program

PVW - Preview

IFB -  interruptible foldback

KVM - keyboard, video and mouse (a hardware device that allows a user to control multiplcomputers from one or more sets of keyboards, video monitors and mice)

Other terms

MUZZ - Murray Basham, Vizcom Support Associate