Activate the Program Monitor.Right click.Select Safe Margins. | |
This will provide two sets of borders:Title Safe: All Text and Title items should be inside this border to ensure maximum view on all types of screens. For TV this is a requirement.Program Safe: Main action on screen should be inside this border to ensure maximum view on all types of screens. | |
In your Timeline (or from the Program Monitor) position the playhead where you want the title/text to appear.Ensure Timeline is the active window. | |
In the Top Menu Bar click Graphics > New Layer > Text (or type Cmd + T) | |
A 5-second Text Layer item will appear in the next available track in your Sequence, starting where you placed the playhead. It will be called 'New Text Layer' until you add some text.Adding the Text Layer will do two things: | |
1. The 'New Text Layer' will appear in the Program Monitor. | |
2. The Text Layer will get it's own section in the Effect Controls Tab in the Source Monitor | |
Select the Title Tool | |
Place the Title Tool cursor in the 'New Text Item', highlight current text ('New Text Item'). | |
Write text. | |
In Effect Controls Tab you can adjust:FONT | |
KERNING (space between letters) | |
FILL COLOR (main color of text) | |
STROKE COLOR (color of text outline): uncheck if not required | |
SHADOW: uncheck if not required.Use controls underneath to adjust:OPACITYANGLE of LightDISTANCESPREAD | |
Adjust X and Y position of text item to place it where you want it.Scale if required | |
Once you have adjusted the Text Layer as desired, drag and drop it from the Sequence to your Graphics Bin. | |
The Text Layer is now available as a Master Graphic Clip and can be reused as required in the project. | |
You can also Copy-Paste the Text Layer directly in the Sequence WindowSelect and copy (Cmd + C) the Text Layer.Place Playhead where you want to paste Text Layer.Ensure Track Target is set to the Video Track you want Text Layer to go. | |
Paste (Cmd + V) Text Layer | |
If you you really like the old Premiere Pro Title Tool, it is still available in the Top Menu Bar File > New > Legacy Title | |
Need Help? | |
Title and Text Titillation For some title/credit sequence inspiration, go here. | |
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