DR - Nodes

Nodes in DaVinci Resolve are an equivalent of layers in Premiere Pro. They provide a global perspective and clear sequential relationships, making it easier to organise your workflow during colour grading.


Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 3.50.06 pm.png

Once you have the Color Page open, the nodes panel will be situated to the right of the program.


If you can’t see it, click the Nodes button in the top right corner.


Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 3.50.54 pm.png

The first node will already be created.

Nodes flow from left to right.

The green node on the left represents the input media (your RAW clip), which then passes through correction nodes.

The green node on the right represents the output media (your final look), that will be exported.

Make sure they are all connected to be able to see all the changes!

To add any changes to the node - and your clip - select it and proceed with any colour adjustments you like.

Any adjustment you make will show in a form of a small icon sitting on the bottom of the node for easier navigation.

If you’d like to turn OFF the node you can click on the number located on the bottom of the node. Click again to turn it ON.

While OFF, the node will be greyed out.

You can also Name your node accordingly (Temperature, Colour, Skin, etc.) by right-clicking on it and choosing the Node Label.

To delete all of the adjustment made to the node you can right-click it and select the Reset Node Grade at the top.

To create a new node you can:

Right-click any node and select Add Serial. It will automatically connect to the previous node.


Use a shortcut Alt/Option + S.

The order of nodes directly affects the final result! The previous node's adjustments feed into the new node, the initial footage of the new node is already influenced by the previous node.




    Most basic node which allows you to use variety of corrections.
    Shortcut: Alt/Option + S

    Parallel nodes are designed for Secondary Color Grading - subtle tweaks, like colour grading a specific area separately. Parallel nodes branch out from the same source, creating identical branches where you can perform independent adjustments. The parallel nodes will be combined when outputting.
    Shortcut: Alt/Option + P

  3. LAYER
    Those nodes have hierarchy - lower layers have higher hierarchy. If you right-click the Layer Mixer and go to Composite Mode, you can choose from different layer blending modes to achieve some interesting looks.
    Shortcut: Alt/Option +L

    If you’ve created a mask on one of your nodes, you can create an outside node which will automatically generate an inverted mask that will change along with the original mask.
    Shortcut: Alt/Option + O

    A key mixer works in a similar way to a parallel mixer, however, it only works with key channels and is used to combine multiple keys into one single key.

    A splitter node will separate a signal into three separate channels and a combiner node will then combine those signals back together.



There are endless ways to structure your nodes, and they depend on what you require. You can add as many nodes as need, just make sure to keep it tidy or navigating through the nodes might become very difficult!

Below, you can find a basic node structure that you can start with and expand from there.

  1. DeNoise - Adjust Motion Effects - Temporal (useful where lots of movement is involved) & Spatial (useful in static shots with minimum action).

  2. Balance - Adjust the darkest values and highlights using Gain, Lift, Offset & Gamma.

  3. Contrast - Adjust your Contrast, Temperature, Tint, Saturation, Highlights, etc.

  4. PARALLEL NODE - Look & Skin Tones - In LOOK adjust specific colours. In SKIN TONES adjust the skin tones of the actors. You can achieve best results by using selections and masks.

  5. Curves - Use curves panel to further adjust your highlights and shadows.

  6. Adjustments - Add any minor adjustments your footage requires.

  7. Sharpen - Sharpen your footage using the Sharpen Effect (only available in the full version of the software).