Amenities on Curtin Films

Amenities on Curtin Films

When on location, basic amenities are required to be provided. This includes items such as drinking water, toilets, lighting, emergency procedures etc.


  • For established permanently located workplaces/filming on campus
    - Any open bathroom on campus can be used by students.

  • When filming on Location
    - Identify whether basic amenities are in place and appropriate for the location being used.
    - If the location has no amenities such as toilet facilities, then alternative strategies need to be in place
    - Public toilets on site are suitable. If public toilets are not available, then the producer should identify where the nearest public toilets located are.

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  The National Public Toilet Map app or Online Map shows where the nearest public toilets are located.
- Producers may also put strategies in place such as attending the bathrooms in groups of 2, so that students feel safer using public bathrooms.
- Transport to and from amenities (if not on site) should be part of the producerā€™s pre-production planning and film schedule.
- If students are taking themselves to and from the film location for amenities breaks, then they should as arrange this as required or as per scheduled breaks.


  • Accessibility
    - If there are cast or crew who requires an all-abilities amenity, then adequate planning must be undertaken to ensure that the location they are using either has the required amenities available on-site (best option as it is the most inclusive option) or other accommodations are available for the cast or crew complete the required work.