JOUR2002 - Resources

JOUR2002 - Resources

Below are some resources for Journalism TV units


PrP - Ingest Smart Phone Media

PrP - Additional Processes - Create Backfill for SmartPhone Footage

AE - Additional Processes - Create Visual Audio Waves

Mobile Journalism - External Resources

Mobile Journalism - External Resources

Understanding mobile journalism

Defining Mobile Journalism and what can you actually produce with a smartphone?

All About Mobile Journalism

Breaking down the new workflow for media storytelling where reporters are trained and equipped for being fully mobile and fully autonomous

Mobile Journalism according to BBC's Duncan Stone

What you can and cannot shoot - the five-metre rule explained by the BBC's Duncan Stone.

Aljazeera mobile journalism

The advantages of mobile journalism according toĀ Aljazeera.

Journalism Training Videos

Journalism Training Videos

How To Film

This is a rough-and-ready introduction to terms and language used to explain and talk about different kinds of camera shots and angles.

Miller DS10 Tripod Set Up

This is a set-up guide for the Miller DS10 Tripod as used in Curtin MCCA Journalism.

Sony NX3 Camera Set-Up

This is a set-up guide for the Sony NX3 as used in Curtin MCCA Journalism.

