Studio Lights

The range of lights available in the TV studio





1Kilowatt Fresnel spot lights. This is the basic spot light


Tradition spot light for Key and back light for a person. Use one light for each person so there is complete control.  Use the LUX meter to ensure each person’s light level is the same


Smaller spotlights

600w or 300w

Smaller spot light may be suitable as a back light or for lighting  feature elements of the set


1600 w soft-light

2 x 800w lamps



Traditional fill light to complement the 1K spots



Spotflux 2


Fluorescent spot light for use as a key light for a person. As an alternative to tungsten spot lights shown above. Use one light for each person so there is complete control. 


Balcar soft light


Fluorescent  soft light for use as fill light to complement the Spotflux key lights


2Kw spot


2Kw  key light 


5Kw soft light


4 separate 1.25 Kw lamps

Soft light source from a larger area (just use one lamp) or all 4 lamps for 5kw of light


Cyc light

A specially designed reflector evenly lights the white cyc wall. Use the gel frame for a coloured wash effect


Pacific projection light

Use with a Gobo  to project image or texture on the wall or floor



Basic light minimal control

Small light suitable for on set lighting for music videos etc.  For creating shaped colour wash on the wall or floor


1Kw projection spotlight

Theatrical spot light, or for projecting gobo artwork

Studio lighting Suggested dimmer layout & scene settings





1k spot

Host key light


1k spot

Host back light


1k spot

Guest 1 key light


1k spot

Guest 1 back light


1k spot

Guest 2 key light


1k spot

Guest 2 back light


1200 w soft light

fill lights


1200 w soft light

fill lights


600w spot

Set light


600w spot

Set light


600w spot

Set light


800w Pacific

Logo projection


Scene masters can be used for more convenient dimmer control, this can group certain lights together and enable one fader to control several lights, this allows individual fader settings to be preserved as part of a scene

To record a scene to a scene master.

  • First set up the scene on the channel faders
  • HOLD the red record button and press a button for the scene you want to use
  • The complete scene is now stored in that scene


For example: 

  • The lights for guest and host are set to scene master 1
  • The lights for the studio set are on scene master 2
  • Now only 2 faders are used to control 12 different lights
  • The program can start with just the set illuminated (scene master 1),  The host and guest visible in silhouette,
  • When prompted scene master 2 can be faded up revealing the presenter and guest

Another example is to use scene masters for different areas of the studio

  • Scene master 1 - news desk
  • Scene master 2 - weather set
  • Scene master 3 - chat show chairs
  • Scene master 4 – Sports desk

Another example is to use the scene masters for different scenes in the same studio drama set, lighting can be set up and easily recalled for different shooting requirements

  • Scene master 1 - day time lighting
  • Scene master 2 - evening dinner lighting
  • Scene master 3 - moon lit night scene

Lights get very hot, be careful and wear safety gloves. 

Remember all lighting is at 240 volts.

Check all lights have a safety cable and be careful when raising and lowering the grid.