How Use Radio Studios (208:205, 208:209 and 208:210)




MIC Channels 1 and 2 manage the announcer microphone (Mic-1A) and two guest microphones (Mic-2A + Mic-2B). The guest channel (Mic-2A + Mic-2B) manages both guest microphones. The built-in dynamic compressor compensates the level between the microphones when both guests differ in speaking volume.

LINE Channel 3 on the console manages the audio signal from the computer to record stings, sound clips etc

Channel 6  manages the Bluetooth input for recording audio directly from a smartphone.

Note: LINE Channels 1 and 2 are unused but external devices can be connected to them. Please contact the MCASI Store BEFORE you connect any external items to the console.


Headphones are provided for the announcer only. Please contact the MCASI Store if you require the connection of additional headphones.

There is a knob to manages the level of headphones and monitor outputs for the Studio. The monitoring level is adjusted from the console for a comfortable level in the headphones. The Studio speaker monitors have their own gain control. When the microphones are "On-Air", studio monitors are muted, to avoid feedback loops.


If you believe the console is not functioning correctly, please match the console settings to the default settings pictured before contacting support. Contact the MCASI Store if any problems persist following adjustment of the default settings.


Smartphones connect to the Solidyne D612 via Bluetooth. The first time that a cell phone is used with the console, it must be paired. Once paired, the procedure used for the connection every time is simple.
Make sure that the control "AIR LEVEL" is closed, and the button CUE pressed. Turn ON Bluetooth at the console. For this, press and hold "CELLULAR PHONE BLUE-TOOTH" for a few seconds and release when the green LED (located in the VU meter panel) flashes. The LED remains flashing slowly indicating that Bluetooth is enabled.
Turn on Bluetooth in the smartphone settings.
An already paired smartphone will re-establish and stay connected to the console. Incoming calls are transferred directly to console.