SPRO2004 - Archival Footage Exercise

The Archival Footage Exercise requires you to record a piece of audio on the Zoom Recorder (around 1 minute in length).

Import the audio into a Premiere Pro project.

Source, download and import corresponding archival vision to support your audio.

Export project to the Completed Assignments folder.

The following resources should help you get started...

Stock Footage

Pexels - great all rounder for free content

Moving Image Archive - free, no sign-up required, content and quality varies greatly

X Stock Video - sign up, some files free in full HD. Stock footage.

Footage Crate - sign up, some files free. Mostly backgrounds and digital FX.

Free HD Footage - free

Beachfront Broll - free. All videos hosted on archive.org

Free HD - sign up to vimeo, free downloads.

Open Footage - free but only for SD and lowres versions

Videvo - most clips are free but you must ‘social share’ (facebook or twitter) to get access to download

Cute Stock Footage - free but mostly backgrounds and digital effects (bokeh, lightleaks etc.)