SPRO2004 - iDoc

For this assignment you will be required to create a short, documentary style video post that will be available on Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/memorytales/ and Memory-Tales website (https://memory-tales.com/ ). In this series of articles you will find all the important technical aspects and general information you need to know before you start the shoot.

Going into this assignment you will get to choose between two different aspect ratios (dimensions) for your video. It’s up to you to decide which one will be best to tell your story. Once you decide, you will need to keep it in mind while shooting. As those videos will be uploaded to an instagram page, there are very specific technical aspects that you will have to follow, including frame size, file size and delivery.

You are required to submit a folder with:

  1. Video Assignment Submission (.mp4)

  2. A clean Video Assignment Submission (bars and tone, slate and countdown removed) (.mp4)

  3. iDoc Description Document (.pdf)

Technical Specs for iDoc assignment:

  1. Frame Size: 1920 x 1080 (16:9) OR 1080 x 1080 (1:1)

  2. Timebase: 30 frames/second

  3. Video Export Format: H.264

  4. Audio Export Format: AAC

  5. Length: No limit - best around 3 minutes

  6. File Size: Maximum 650MB

  1. When it comes to aspect ratios, you can choose between:
    Landscape Aspect Ratio (1920x1080; 16:9) and;
    Square Aspect Ratio (1080x1080; 1:1)



To help you decide on your approach, here are examples of landscape and square posts as they would look on Memory-Tales website and Instagram.



A website example of

1920 X 1080

A website example of

1080 X 1080



An instagram example of

1920 X 1080

An instagram example of

1080 X 1080


If you decide to go with Square Aspect Ratio (1:1; 1080x1080), you need to keep in mind the cropping on the sides while shooting. Make sure to keep your subject within the dimensions.

You can also use Auto Reframe option in Premier Pro and adjust the position of the shots according to your needs.



If you’d like to implement a ready-to-use footage in your assignment, you have access to unlimited images on Adobe Stock through your Curtin Adobe Account.

Just use your curtin credentials, navigate to Photos, and download the ones that work for you.




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