PrP - Submitting Assignment 2.0

By moving the assignment file to the Completed Assignment Folder, you are submitting it. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that:

  • Bars & Tone has been added

  • Ident Slate is completed and included

  • Counting Leader has been added

  • The file plays correctly

  • Export format is correct

  • The file is placed in the correct unit and assignment subfolder within the COMPLETED_ASSIGNMENT Folder

Below is the process for submitting your assignment


Locate the assignment file that you wish to submit.

Click the filename to highlight the file


If not already done, rename the file according to the Curtin MCASI Naming Convention.

The label has three main parts:

  1. YEAR: 2023

  2. SEMESTER: 1 or 2

  3. ASSIGNMENT GROUP NAME: This is the name of the assignment folder.

  • If required, add VERSION CONTROL by adding _v1, _v2, _v3, at the end (the highest number will then be the most recent version, and the file used for assessment).

That should give a file label that looks like this example: 2023_2_SPRO7007_ShortFilm_16_v3

To rename a file on Mac: Select the filename, press ‘return’ (or click again). The selected text gets a blue highlight and you rename it.


COPY and PASTE the appropriately labelled assignment file to your Unit Folder / Tutorial Day Folder / Assignment Folder located in the COMPLETED_ASSIGNMENTS folder on the MCASI Server.

DO NOT drag-and-drop the file as it will not be visible to anyone but yourself.

Right-click on the file and select ‘copy’, then once you have navigated to the ‘COMPLETED_ASSIGNMENTS’ folder right-click and select ‘paste’.


Click on the file, and press ‘command ⌘’ + 'c' on your keyboard to copy, then ‘command ⌘’ + 'v' on your keyboard to paste.