PrP - Exporting - Assessment Export

Use these settings to export and submit your completed/edited production for assessment and in class screening

If you need assistance with a particular file delivery requirement (i.e. for festivals/screenings) contact a Post-Production Specialist

Right click on your completed sequence and select Export Media…



Export Settings

Format: H.264

Preset: Match Source - High bitrate

(Note: this will change to Custom once you make any additional changes)

Output Name: Select the file name to relabel and/or select the appropriate destination for the exported file.

Follow the submission labeling convention here


Video Tab

Basic Video Settings

1920 x 1080

25 fps


Square Pixels (1.0)

Select the Render at Maximum Depth check box







Scroll further down the Video tab to

Bitrate Settings

30 should be a perfect number for your assignment submission, but slide all the way to the right if you want the best possible quality

High bitrate = better quality + larger the file

Small bitrate = smaller file size + lower quality

A quick video for understanding Bitrate better


Select the Use Maximum Render Quality check box at the bottom

Select Export