1.2.F - Incident Reporting and Personal Accident Procedure

Curtin University requires that incidents of all types be reported and managed to ensure that lessons can be learned and appropriate controls can be implemented. 

It is assumed that first responders have taken appropriate steps to provide first aid, arrange for attendance of emergency services and isolate the scene to prevent further injury. Please note that Curtin University has it's own Emergency Management procedures.

Reporting Incidents

Instructions for reporting Incidents are made available on the Curtin University website


All individuals including students and volunteers/visitors (Actors/Performers) must:

  • Ensure that all incidents in their area or for which they are involved in are reported within 24 hours or as soon as possible.

  • Participate in any investigation of the incident.

  • Cooperate with the University in carrying out its obligations imposed on it under OSH legislation.

What should be reported?

All Incidents, including….

  • injuries and illnesses

  • near hit/miss

  • hazards

  • environmental incidents

  • property loss or damage

When should the report be completed and submitted?

Within a period of 24 hours or as soon as possible.

How can accidents, incidents, near-misses or hazards be reported?

An accidents, incidents, near-misses or hazards can be reported…

First Aid Kits

Whenever a First Aid Kit is used, the student is responsible for completing the Incident Report Form inside the First Aid Kit and at the same time they MUST inform both the MCASI Store and the Production Coordinating of the incident.