3.3 - Creative Commons Licenses


This page has a list of websites where you can find Creative Commons Licensed Stock Footage, Production Music, and 3D Content. 

When using any Third Party content you MUST always correctly attribute the content used; that is, as per by hosting website's instructions.

Creative Commons (Figure 2.) is non-profit organization that assists artists with copyright and protecting their work.  Creative Commons has created a wide variety of copyright licenses that artists can use to freely share, reuse and remix their material, legally.

Figure 2 - The Creative Commons Logos


In some cases you might find a piece of music on the Internet that is covered under one of six different Creative Commons licenses. The licenses appear in the form of a combination of logos (Figure 3.) denoting how and under what conditions they can be used.


This applies to every Creative Commons work. Whenever a work is copied or redistributed under a Creative Commons licence, the original creator (and any other nominated parties) must be credited and the source linked to.


Let’s others copy, distribute, display and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only.

No Derivative Works ND

Let’s others distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work. They may not adapt or change the work in any way.

Share Alike

Allows others to remix, adapt and build on the work, but only if they distribute the derivative works under the same the licence terms that govern the original work.


Figure 3 - The Creative Commons Licenses.



For example, the license pictured below (Figure 4.) is Attribution-Non-Commercial CC BY-NC  and means: “This license lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if it is for non-commercial purposes and they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties). They don’t have to license their Derivative Works on the same terms.”



Figure 4 - The Attribution-Non-Commercial CC BY-NC Logos.


You Must Check:

  • That you have the correct license category for your ended use.

  • Correctly credited the work in your film.

  • You have contacted the owner of the work.