3.10 - Compliance Check and Production Identification


Once you have added music, the titles and credits, you need complete one more task before submitting your project to the ‘Completed Assignments’ folder on the Isilon server or as your tutor/lecture has requested.

The Ident Slate (created through the Slate Generator) must have the following information correctly displayed (all fields with an asterisk MUST be filled out):

HAL Production ID:  consist of the unique production group number assigned by HAL (and emailed to your student email) when you set up your assignment folder in HAL.

In addition, you MUST add information to identify the year, the semester and day/time of your production workshop. For example: 2012_1_3_2_spro1000_minidoc_01 (Year_Semester_Day_Time_Unit_Assignment_Group).

Student ID - Name: add the Student ID and the First Name and Last Name of the group members.

Project Title: the title of your project, if it doesn’t have a titled label it ‘Untitled’.

Project Run Time: the length of the project without counters and Identification card in Hours - Minutes - Seconds (HH:MM:SS).

Unit: from the dropdown, select the unit this project was made for.

Tutor: from the dropdown, select the tutor's name.

Camera:  from the dropdown select the camera that was used for this project.

If multiple cameras were used, add in additional dropdowns.

Check the radio buttons as required.

If you click 'Yes', you must upload the clearances and licenses required for your production.

Production File

Did you have a production file that accompanied this film?  If you did have ticked yes to these questions, have you submitted this to the production office for scanning?

If you have used ANY music tracks for your project, click 'Yes' and fill out the next pages as required.

If not, click 'No' and proceed straight to the Declaration.

Fill in the information for each Beatbox Production Music track used.

Track Number: The track number from the album

Title: The name of the track 

Writer/Composer: Name of the writer and/or composer

Catalogue Number: the Beatbox name and code of the album 

Duration Used: How many minutes and/or seconds of the song used, written out as MM:SS.

Click 'Yes' to add another track.

Fill in information on any original music tracks (tracks recorded by or for you and used in your project).

Track Title: The name of the track 

Artist (Musician/Band/Singer): Name of the artist

Duration Used: How many minutes and/or seconds of the song used, written out as MM:SS.

Music Release: Upload the Music Release Form for EVERY track you use.

Click 'Yes' to add another track.

Add information on any track you have used in your project that is sourced outside of Beatbox and/or Original Music (for example free tracks from music sites on the web).

Upload any additional documents if required.

Enter your email address (preferably OASIS email).

Sign off on the slate.

Click submit.

Once you see the form receipt, keep an eye on the inbox of the email address you supplied in the declaration window.

Once you have received the Slate Generator email, follow this process to create a .png image file to enter as your Ident Slate in your project.