4. Clear

The Clear function is one of the most important things to remember when using Vista.

All lighting desks have a priority protocol - basically, how it deals with conflicting information. For example, you might have a light told to do one thing in a cue that's running, and being told to do something else through manual control.

When you are working manually, you are working in the "Live" tab. The Live tab takes priority over everything else in Vista. If you have told the light to do something in the Live tab, this will override anything the cues are telling it to do. Where this can be tricky is if you have brought the lights to 0% intensity in the Live tab (for example you've just finished focusing or testing them) and then you start playing back cues. Your cues won't output correctly because the lights are "locked" at 0% in the Live view. This will also be the case if your lights have any other intensity, position, colour or zoom information in the Live view. For the cues to function correctly, you must clear the live view so there is no information in it to supersede the information in the cues. 

When the Live view is cleared, the button will be greyed out, as seen above. If there is any information to be cleared, it will appear active like the buttons on either side.

TLDR: Make sure you press Clear before recording, editing or playing back cues.

Up next... Creating a layout